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全球首发!Global debut! Hello Tomorrow期待您的加入

2023-07-05 09:02  本文来源:网络 作者:荀游

  全球首发 Global debut!

  Hello Tomorrow look forward to your joining

  亲爱的先生/女士:Dear Mr. / Madam,


  当今社会,随着物质生活水平的提高,人们对娱乐和精神的需求日益增长,科技的发展为人们提供了更多的可能性和选择。研究表明,与植物的互动不仅能够促进植物的生长,更能够给人们带来心理上的舒缓和愉悦,是一种新型且健康的娱乐方式。基于这一市场洞察,Hello Tomorrow推出了一款颠覆性的智能植物宠物——Plant Petz。

  In today's society, with the improvement of material living standards, people's demand for entertainment and spirit is increasing day by day, and the development of science and technology provides people with more possibilities and choices. Studies have shown that the interaction with plants can not only promote the growth of plants, but also bring people psychological relief and pleasure。It is a new and healthy way of entertainment. Based on this market insight, Hello Tomorrow has launched a disruptive smart plant pet ——Plant Petz.



  Hello Tomorrow是一家专注于创新科技和生活方式的全球性公司,合作伙伴遍布中国香港、大陆及美国,我们通过开发健康且富有创新科技的新型娱乐产品,为人们提供更多的乐趣和便利。我们是家居园艺与娱乐艺术的开创者,多次受到国际社会的认可与赞誉。我们的团队成员擅长开发符合人类需求和情感的高科技产品,产品涵盖了智能家居、智能穿戴、智能玩具等多个领域。我们是谷歌、Spinmaster, Sproutel, Aflac, Creativity Inc., 孩之宝、环球影城、Ripple Effects的专业合作伙伴,受到了广大消费者和媒体的好评。我们的公司创始人Leif Askeland是前孩之宝集团副CEO,拥有丰富的产品开发和管理经验。

  Hello Tomorrow Is a global company focusing on innovative technology and lifestyle, with partners in Hong Kong, the mainland and the United States. We provide more entertaining and convenience by developing new entertainment products with healthy and innovative technology. We are the pioneer of home gardening and entertainment art, and have been recognized and praised by the international community for many times. Our team members are good at developing high-tech products that are line with human needs and emotions, covering smart home, smart wearables, smart toys and other fields. We are Google, Spinmaster, Sproutel, Aflac, Creativity Inc., Hasbro, Universal Studios and Ripple Effects, have been well received by consumers and media. Our company founder Leif Askeland is the former deputy CEO of Hasbro Group, with rich experience in product development and management.



  Plant Petz是我们最新推出的一款智能植物宠物,它能够根据人们的喜好和需求调节自身的状态,为生活增添乐趣和美感。它还能通过语音和触摸与人们进行沟通,表达自己的情绪和需求,让人感受到植物的灵性和温暖。

  Plant Petz Is our latest launch of a smart plant pet, it can adjust their own state according to people's preferences and needs, to add fun and beauty to life. It can also communicate with people through voice and touch, express their emotions and needs, and make people feel the spirituality and warmth of plants.



  Plant Petz是一款适合所有年龄段和任何场合的产品,无论是作为礼物赠送、家居装饰还是教育工具,都能够给人们带来惊喜和满足。

  Plant Petz Is a product suitable for all ages and any occasion, whether as a gift, home decoration or educational tool, can bring surprise and satisfaction to people.



  我们有理由相信Plant Petz在市场上有着巨大的潜力和竞争力,它不仅能够满足人们对娱乐的需求,也能够提升人们对环境保护和生态平衡的意识。Plant Petz可以帮助人们改善生活质量,增强健康水平,降低压力水平,增进亲子关系,培养创造力和想象力。我们预计Plant Petz将成为2023年最受欢迎和最畅销的智能产品之一。我们已经获得了中国和美国的专利授权,并且在中国设有工厂,可以保证产品的质量和供应。

  We have reason to believe that Plant Petz has great potential and competitiveness in the market. It can not only meet people's demand for entertainment, but also enhance people's awareness of environmental protection and ecological balance. Plant Petz It can help people improve their quality of life, enhance their health level, reduce their stress levels, enhance their parent-child relationship, and cultivate their creativity and imagination. We expect Plant Petz to be one of the most popular and best-selling smart products of 2023. We have obtained patent licenses in China and the United States, and have factories in China to ensure the quality and supply of products.



  我们很高兴地通知您,我们将携Plant Petz亮相Tech G 2023展会,这是亚洲最大最具影响力的科技展会,每年都吸引了数以万计的观众和媒体。这将是我们在中国的首次发布,展示我们来自美国的创新产品和理念。我们诚挚地邀请您来我们的展台参观体验Plant Petz,了解它的功能、优势和市场前景。我们的展台位于N2区2138号,展会时间为2023年10月12日至10月14日,我们随时恭候您的到来。

  We are pleased to inform you that we are bring Plant Petz to Tech G 2023, the largest and most influential technology show in Asia, attracting tens of thousands of visitors and media every year. This will be our first release in China to showcase our innovative products and ideas from the United States. We sincerely invite you to visit our booth to experience Plant Petz and understand its features, advantages and market prospects. Our booth is located at 2138, Zone N2, from October 12 to October 14,2023. We are always waiting for you.




  In addition, this is the first time that we recruit dealers in the Chinese market. We will give dealers the most favorable cooperation conditions, provide dealers with a variety of flexible cooperation modes, to help the sales and profit of products. We will also provide a full range of policy support, covering brand, publicity, promotion, products, technology and patents, performance awards, price, customization and activities, so that dealers can do business carefree and enjoy the results of cooperation. If you are interested in our products and operation model, and you hope to become our distributor, please contact our sales team during the exhibition, and we will provide you with professional consultation and detailed explanation. We also have some offers for you and giveaways if you pay a deposit during the show.



  此外,我们还邀请您参加专属的鸡尾酒晚宴,与我们的创始人leif askeland以及团队成员亲密交流,享受美食和音乐的同时,共商合作方式。我们期待着在Tech G 2023展会上与您见面,共同探讨Plant Petz的商业机会!

  In addition, we also invite you to the exclusive cocktail dinner, communicate with our founder leif askeland and team members, enjoy food and music, and discuss ways of cooperate. We look forward to meeting you at Tech G 2023 to discuss the business opportunities in Plant Petz!




  Registration method: Please scan the QR code below to join the group chat. There will be an exclusive sales manager to serve you and complete the registration.




  Thank you for your attention and support, and I look forward to your presence!


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